Time Odyssey

Go on a Time Odyssey adventure at the Yorkshire Museum!
Time Odyssey
Time Odyssey, created in partnership by Art Explora and the British Museum, is an interactive learning experience where Key Stage Two pupils go on a quest to help one of four characters from history travel back in time.
To do this, children must create four timeless treasures by exploring the Yorkshire Museum and its collections and discovering the stories they can tell us about life in the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), Roman York, and the Middle Ages.
Pupils will use tablets in groups of two or three to complete their adventure. All the required equipment and technology will be provided by the museum.
This short video will give you a look at how Time Odyssey works:
The Yorkshire Museum
Museum Street
Session times
Age group
Key Stage Two*
*Year 3 and 4 students may need additional help during the visit with reading and comprehension.
Recommended group size of up to 33 pupils. Groups of up to 60 pupils may be accommodated on request.
Session fees
Eligible schools
Time Odyssey is primarily aimed at schools who:
- are isolated by their rurality or by limited transport options, with limited regular access to cultural heritage sites like museums.
- have greater than 40% of their pupils eligible for free school meals.
- sit within areas that rank highly on the English Indices of Deprivation.
Time Odyssey Travel Grant
As well as free entry to the Yorkshire Museum, participating schools can apply for a travel grant of up to £500 to help cover the cost of coach transport to the museum*. Further information, including terms and conditions, can be found by accessing the online Art Explora Time Odyssey Transport Grant Application Form. or by emailing timeodyssey@artexplora.org
Alternatively, you can download a Word or PDF copy of the form.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Pre-visit information
To ensure that you are fully prepared for your visit, please download and read the following documents. These include detailed information on what to expect on the day:
Making a booking
If you would like to enquire about booking a Time Odyssey visit to the Yorkshire Museum, then please complete a copy of our Yorkshire Museum: Time Odyssey Online Booking Form
Please be aware that completing the form does not represent a confirmed booking. A member of our team will be in touch within 4 working days with further information.
We are currently taking Time Odyssey bookings for the 2025 Spring and Summer terms. We only have a limited number of slots available, which will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information
You can find out more about Time Odyssey by downloading a copy of the Yorkshire Museum: Time Odyssey Guidelines for Teachers document, or by visiting the Time Odyssey website.
Alternatively, and for details about arranging a visit to the Yorkshire Museum, you can contact our Schools Learning Team directly at schools@ymt.org.uk.
About Art Explora
Art Explora is a UK charity which aims to increase access to arts and culture and develop new opportunities for engagement and participation with the arts. They work in partnership with artists, cultural organisations and communities, embracing all art forms, to create transformative cultural experiences. Founded in the UK in 2021, they believe in sharing successful models and looking for opportunities to scale up programmes both across the UK and internationally.
About 1UP Studios
1UP Studios is an edtech game studio based in London. We specialise in creating play-based digital learning experiences for a variety of sectors including arts, culture & heritage, visitor attractions, sports & entertainment, L&D and internal comms, with a guiding philosophy of ‘play to learn’ running through all of our work.
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